Supply Chain Analytics

Supply Chain Analytics assists UPL—as well as the MSU community—in making informed business decisions, using data generated through procurement and logistics activities. Analytics provided by the team guide day-to-day operations and process improvements using historical analysis and predictive modeling.

A team of co-workers collaborating on a document in the middle of a table.

The Supply Chain Analytics team works closely with university stakeholders to provide services such as demand forecasting, run-at-rate studies for critical supplies, and supplier diversity metrics for Spartan Impact reports. Our work ensures proper prioritization of resources, reducing cost to the university by identifying operational efficiencies.

Our Services

Supply Chain Analytics can work with your unit to better understand your supply chain, create dashboards for spend tracking, provide forecasting and predictive studies, and equip your team with the information needed to drive data-informed decision making.

Orange button reading "submit your project request:


Spend Exploration

An icon of a clock with the frame being made of an arrow pointing counter-clockwise
We will complete an investigation of your unit’s overall spend based on your specific criteria.


An icon of two intersecting lines from a line graph with multiple data points throughout each line.
We can produce predictive models for many scenarios, including forecasting future states.

Other Services

An icon of a piece of paper that is folded in the top right corner. Horizontal lines are going through the center of the paper.
The Supply Chain Analytics team can dive into data to answer your unique questions.