Lease Purchase Program

The MSU Lease Purchase Program, administered by University Procurement and Logistics (UPL), provides a financing option for departments that is ideal for emergency situations or unanticipated equipment purchases. Lease periods range from one to five years and leases can be paid off without penalty by paying the balance (remaining principal plus current month's interest). 

Equipment may not be removed from MSU until the lease is paid in full and ownership is transferred to the department. Limited funds are available on a first-come-first-served basis.


Only tangible items may be purchased through the Lease Purchase Program. Examples include:

  • Copiers
  • Office furniture and equipment
  • Vehicles
  • Medical or scientific equipment
  • Technology-related items

Intangible expenses such as services, licenses, shipping, and training are not allowed, nor is equipment that was purchased outside of the Finance System (KFS). Lease payments cannot be made with federal grant (RC) accounts.

Prior to entering into a third party lease agreement, contact a Procurement buyer to discuss the UPL Lease Purchase Program. To determine the correct buyer to contact, view the Commodities Listing.


  • Current fixed interest rate is 6%, effective July 1, 2024
  • Flexible term length (one to five years)
  • Avoid possible: East Lansing taxation, higher interest rates, fees, down payments, and early payoff penalties
  • MSU owns the equipment
  • Saves university resources
  • Easy access to a complete amortization schedule, via Planon
  • Billing history available through Planon

Purchase Requisitions

When creating the purchase requisition, include a message in the “notes” section stating the order is to be purchased through the UPL Lease Purchase Program. Indicate if there is a portion of the total that is to be funded and how much, and how long you would like to lease the equipment (usually three to five years).

You can estimate costs by using a smartphone mortgage app. Or, you may call our office for estimates at (517) 355-1700.


It is important to note that the Lease Purchase Program is a payment option for making purchases but does not replace the normal procurement process.

Billing is done using the collector feed process. Payments are flexible and a down payment can be made but is not required. Payments are assessed on a monthly basis. Accelerated payments are also an option.

Lease Pay Off

When the lease is paid off the item belongs to the department. In the case of a capital asset (>$5,000), an asset transfer eDoc is initiated to transfer ownership from University Procurement and Logistics to the department.

View your billing history in Planon.