For Suppliers
Supplier Eligibility
All prospective suppliers are eligible to solicit business from MSU. Procurement selects the suppliers who meet the requirements of each request for quotation or proposal. All else being equal, MSU gives preference to local suppliers in its campus communities.
For orders $25,000 or greater, Procurement obtains competitive bids from suppliers. For orders less than $25,000, the decision whether to send out request for quotations is at the discretion of the buyer. When an order is more than $250,000, a sealed bid is issued by Procurement to be returned by suppliers before a specific date and time.
Bids are publicly opened at the specified time and bidding suppliers and any interested parties are allowed to attend. Bids are analyzed using several criteria, including price, and the job is awarded to the supplier who best meets MSU’s needs.
Find currently available public bid opportunities on the Procurement website.