Policies + Procedures

The purchase of goods and services must be made in accordance with Michigan State University policies and procedures. MSU employees are expected to adhere to the policies and procedures outlined below.

The Manual of Business Procedures sections for Procurement and payments include:

     Section 74: Invoice Processing
     Section 76: Independent Contractors for U.S. Citizens and Resident Aliens
     Section 270: Procurement Department
     Section 271: PCard
     Section 320: Lease, Lease Purchase, and Installment Agreements

Conflicts of Interest
By merit of MSU’s status as a state institution, MSU employees are considered to be public servants and are expected to adhere to state law. Suppliers are asked to disclose any and all potential conflicts of interest to MSU for appropriate review and disposition.

Information Technology (IT) Purchases
Michigan State University is committed to providing an accessible, secure, usable, and integrated user experience. When purchasing IT, units must adhere to the IT Procurement process to ensure appropriate data, security, and accessibility reviews take place.

Procurement Guidebook
The Procurement Guidebook was written to assist the university community in understanding the procurement process and the responsibilities associated with different roles. Use the guidebook to determine the right buying method, identify purchase categories and their applicable uses, learn which goods and services require additional review, understand the process flow of a purchase requisition, and plan your purchase based on the timeframe. 

Signature Authority
The bylaws of the Board of Trustees at Michigan State University authorize the president to execute contracts and other legal documents on behalf of the Board of Trustees. Contracts signed by unauthorized faculty or staff are not binding to the university and supplier invoices may not be honored. Additionally, an individual making the commitment may be held personally responsible.

Single/Sole Source Purchase Requests
Justification for selecting a single or sole source supplier—rather than engaging in the required bidding process for purchases above $25,000—must be documented on the Single/Sole Source Justification form and attached to your requisition.

Sustainable Procurement
University Procurement and Logistics supports MSU's sustainability goals by providing responsible procurement and supply chain guidelines and practices. Environmental considerations are a factor when Procurement negotiates strategic contracts. All things being equal—price, quality, shipping, terms and conditions—a sustainable product should be selected for purchase.

Trademark Protection and Licensing 
All purchases—including purchases made with a PCard—that include an MSU trademark (i.e., trademark, mark, logo, insignia, seal design, slogan, or other symbol or device associated with or referring to the university), require the merchant be licensed through the University Licensing Programs office. Any person, business, or organization with an interest in marketing products bearing the trademarks of Michigan State University needs to first obtain a license through CLC (Collegiate Licensing Company).