Ship + Mail
Sending Marketing Mail
Prior to submitting MSU marketing mail (formerly called "Bulk" or "Standard" mail) to the United States Postal Service (USPS), all suppliers must get approval from Mail Services.
This requirement ensures USPS compliance with the preparation, addressing, move update validation, and entry guidelines. It also helps MSU properly maintain postage account balances and internal accounting processes.
All USPS Marketing Mail statements must include
- department name
- department contact
- department account number (enter this in the Customer Reference ID located on the mail statement form)
The Lansing Bulk Mail Entry Unit (BME) is authorized by Mail Services to reject mailings that do not include this information.
Mail Services Terms and Conditions
The term “mailer” encompasses anyone involved with the preparation, entry, and transportation of a marketing mailing, including printers, agents, shippers, contractors, consolidators, or others on behalf of Michigan State University.
Bulk Mail Entry Office
The BME unit has agreed to refuse entry of Michigan State University bulk mailings under Permit 249, unless prior approval is received from MSU and the stated conditions are met.
Mailer Responsibilities
The mailer will abide by USPS requirements in the preparation, address validation, and entry guidelines. The mailer must present the following documents for each bulk mailing to Michigan State University Mail Services prior to entry at the Postal Service. Failure to submit documentation to Mail Services will result in non‐acceptance at the BME unit.
- copy of entry forms as provided for the mail entry type
- Marketing Mail – PS3600R, PS3602NZ, PS3605R
- Periodicals – PS3541, PS3541M
- International mail – PS3700
- Customs Forms – PS2976, PS2976A, PS2976E - individual or consolidated postage statement(s), including:
- Department name
- Contact name
- Phone number
- Departmental account number (use the Customer Reference ID field)
- copy of the mail piece being entered
- copy/confirmation of the CASS certification
How to Submit Documentation for Review
All supporting documentation will be emailed to Mail Services at Please contact Mail Services at (517) 884-6084 with questions.