FedEx Desktop Shipping
Note: Desktop shipping services are only available to MSU employees completing departmental shipments.
As a result of our contract with FedEx, savings—which vary based on service type, weight, and zip code—are significant for many MSU customers. Features of the FedEx Desktop Shipping system include:
- Improved user interface
- Address book creation
- Better auditing capability
- Increased visibility into shipment records and billing
- Ability to dispute service errors
All FedEx Desktop Shipping payments must be made using MSU account numbers—PCards are not accepted.
Sign up for FedEx Desktop Shipping
You must register to become a user on FedEx Desktop Shipping. Please email Mail Services with the following information to register:
- Name
- MSU department
- Phone number
- Department FedEx account number (if known)
- Campus address
Important: Shipping at a FedEx Hub
If shipping at a FedEx hub, the sender must include the following MSU billing details in the reference field:
- MSU department
- Account number
- Sender's name
- Phone number
FedEx contact info
- FedEx phone support: (800) 463-3339